Well I guess I should not have asked that question because when I showed on Saturday, the comment at the bottom of the test was you should move up to Training. My problem however is we do not have a right lead yet, but we are working on it.
I was really proud of my girl this past week, on Tuesday she got a 2ND, 2-3Rd's and a 4Th. On Saturday she had 2 63.5 in intro A & B and won both classes and on Sunday we came home with two 2Nd's and a 5Th. Fortunately we have the next two weekends off and will be doing some lessons and practicing our canter.
In the last month my girl started to jump and is doing well but I think we will back off of that for a while until be get the canter. The right lead is coming but it may take us a few trys, we will get it. Wish us luck.