Well a week ago Tuesday I decided that I would take my Big Girl to a locate schooling show. We have not shown in about 3 weeks due to social commitments, so we were long overdue. Shortly after leaving the farm, the sky began to look threatening to the west. The weather all day long had been beautiful about 2 miles from our destination the rain began but it was just rain not a downpour, thank goodness. We left "Lat" on the trailer and went to get our number and by that time the rain ended. As I started to warm up in the big ring with all of the fences I kept having conflicts, two people were jumping different fences, another person was cantering, and someone else was lunging. I decided that I could not get anything accomplished with so much confusion so I found myself a small dressage ring with a cavaletti and some cones set up. All was quiet in this ring. I was a little nervous because I was riding my hunt seat saddle and bridle and had not ridden this equipment in about 9 months.
Ms. Lat warmed up very nicely and I was then comfortable enough to just walk around. My friend H was there and 3 other standardbreds , H being as nice as she is was helping the others warm up. When I decided to go back to my quiet spot, H had taken the rails and made a little cross rail fence, she suggested that I jump it but I told her I had never jumped Lat and had not jumped myself in several years.
Well with a little encouragement, over my big girl went, without a bobble, she is so great. The next thing I know I am entered into Beginners over cross rail class in the indoor. What a trooper my big girl is, we went into the ring and schooled over 3 fences had no problems except that her mother's timing was a little rusty. When the class was called no one wanted to go first so Ms. Lat and I entered the ring and completed all four fences with only knocking down one rail on the first fence but I was very pleased with our team work. Ms Lat trusted me to guide her but because I have not jumped in years it was a little scary.
I know that we will be jumping some more fences because it is soooooooooo much fun. Thanks H for the encouragement.
Oh fun! :) Maybe you have an event horse on your hands! LOL! How did you do at the show other than the crossrails???????
ReplyDeleteBTW I love the new pic at the top! :D
ReplyDeleteI love the new photo as well--Ms Lat is a BIG girl!!!