Lat and I have been working hard on our right lead going to the left. The beauty queen is doing quite well, she is actually starting to understand what I am asking. Going the other direction we are just working on slowing down and collecting but to the left we are working hard on picking up that lead.
Tomorrow's plan is to Pop over a few cross rails and to concentrate on all of our dressage stuff such as rounding, transitions, etc. Tuesday we will be going to a small schooling show again and I think I will take her over fences. She seems to enjoy it and it is just plain FUN.
After tuesday it is time to concentrate on our dressage test because we will have two shows this weekend. During my down time I am going to take the advice of the Confessions of a Struggling Dressage Rider and do some of the excercises she suggested on the Ball.
If you are in New Jersey please come the the Horse Park of NJ the weekend of August 29 & 30. The 29th is the ReRun, Inc.'s Eighth Annual Charity Horse Show (which is an open show and there is dressage also) and the 30th will be the Standardbred National Show. The afternoon of the 29th will be the Battle of the Breeds, which will be Standardbreds against Throughbred, this will be lots of fun, please come and join us.
Good luck with the exercises and your shows!