Well this last week has been busy helping to take care of my daughter, her husband and the new baby. This 7lbs 9 oz. wonder was born Friday, 3.20.09 @ 11:08 p.m. I really have enjoyed spending time with the family but I have not been able to ride. I have been given this weekend off and was lucky enough to be able to ride "Lat" on Sat.
I just love my girl (Lat), she was so good for not having been ridden for a week. We really only had time for a warm up, but it was really great to be on her back :) We did do a little cantering and she is definitely improving, at least in the left lead.
Today before I go back to baby duty, Lat and I will have some time together. We will do a nice long warm up, walk trot transitions, and some cantering. I will be back Wednesday and as long as the weather holds out we can really start working then.
My coach will be back from Florida soon and hopefully I can set something up with J. She is always so helpful. When I ride under her guidance, I am continually surprised at what Lat and I do. In just minutes J helps me to get Lat to do things I have not even thought about. My short coming is trying to remember how I accomplished the movement and taking the time to practice what I have learned.
If the rain hold out today I will be able to have a great ride and maybe we can take a nice hack around the neighborhood after we practice.
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